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5 helpful apps for less stress in everyday family life

Katja Fischer
Translation: machine translated

There are plenty of them: apps that are supposed to simplify family life. I present you my five personal digital helpers.

Family management requires a lot of organization - and nerves. Numerous apps promise to bring order and structure to the daily madness. I can warmly recommend five of them.

1. digital shopping list: "Bring" lists and tidies up my life.

My life is made up of lists. I write to-do lists, shopping lists, packing lists, gift lists, bucket lists. "Bring" collects them under one roof.

Actually, yes, it is a digital shopping list app. But because I can enter my own items, "Bring" now organizes much more than just grocery shopping for me. A few days before the family vacation, I start with the kids' packing list and add items daily - whenever I think of something that absolutely has to go in the suitcase. On another list, my husband and I record our smaller and larger house projects. We had even collected the potential names of our younger daughter on "Bring". And then we kept kicking them out until, shortly before the birth, only the top favorite was left.

The principle is simple: With the app, you can quickly and easily create lists with predefined items or items you have entered yourself. The latter are saved and can be used again and again. You can share all lists, so that your fellow users can also add to them and check them off. And who invented it? Two Swiss.

Ich gehe mit der «Bring»-App einkaufen ...
Ich gehe mit der «Bring»-App einkaufen ...
... und erstelle manuell Packlisten. Dass bei der manuellen Erfassung die Icons dabei nicht immer korrekt zugeteilt werden, ist egal.
... und erstelle manuell Packlisten. Dass bei der manuellen Erfassung die Icons dabei nicht immer korrekt zugeteilt werden, ist egal.

Here you can find the app for iOS. Here for Android.

2. replacement for the baby monitor: this app gives me relaxed evenings

Basically, I'm not a fan of placing my smartphone next to my child's bed. After all, that's what baby monitors are for. In rare cases, however, we convert our phone into a baby monitor. For example, when we spontaneously stay out late at a friend's house and our youngest is already asleep in the guest room.

For the "Babyphone 3G" app, you need two devices - a cell phone, tablet or computer - that are connected to each other. You place one with the sleeping child ("baby station") and the other with the parents ("parent station"). As soon as the child makes a sound, a call is triggered.

The great thing is that the app works with 3G and does not necessarily rely on WiFi. And it's also a baby monitor, in case you want to take a quick video check in between.

Die App «Babyphone 3G» hört zu.
Die App «Babyphone 3G» hört zu.
«Das Kind schlief» oder «Das Kind war wach»: Die App protokolliert jedes Ereignis.
«Das Kind schlief» oder «Das Kind war wach»: Die App protokolliert jedes Ereignis.

You can find the app for iOShere. Here for Android.

3. digital wallet: "Stocard" bundles all my cards together

I'm standing at the checkout, my child in my arms, my wallet in my hand, frantically searching for my loyalty card. Sound familiar? "Stocard" unfortunately doesn't give us a third hand, but at least it makes the card search easier. Open the app, select the card and have the code scanned on the smartphone screen. That's it.

The app digitizes and bundles all the physical maps that have accumulated over the years. You also have the option to sync them between multiple devices, allowing you to share customer numbers with family members.

Ich habe keine Kundenkarten mehr im Portemonnaie, sie sind alle digitalisiert auf «Stocard» hinterlegt.
Ich habe keine Kundenkarten mehr im Portemonnaie, sie sind alle digitalisiert auf «Stocard» hinterlegt.
Die App macht mich auch auf Aktionen aufmerksam.
Die App macht mich auch auf Aktionen aufmerksam.

Find the app for iOShere. Here for Android.

4. the better calendar: "Shubidu" organizes (soon) our family appointments.

In terms of family agendas, my husband and I definitely have some catching up to do. We both use the iPhone calendar and send each other invitations for appointments that affect both of us. It's inconvenient, but it's become the norm over the years. Nevertheless, I now have an alternative.

"Shubidu" is the name of the app launched by a mother from Solothurn. It appeals to me visually and automatically synchronizes with all family members if desired. In addition, appointments for several families can be entered via the group agenda (for example, for sports appointments that involve several parties).

A special feature is the "Shubidu magic" function (for a fee): I don't have to type notes with dates for the school trip or the theater performance into the agenda myself. I take a picture of the note and send it in via the app. The appointment is entered for me and saved after I confirm it. A note with a maximum of seven appointments costs 1 franc. The only downside is that the appointment is not entered immediately, but takes up to half an hour - because it is entered by the "magic helpers" at Shubidu. Business hours.

«Shubidu» hilft, die Termine aller Familienmitglieder im Griff zu haben.
«Shubidu» hilft, die Termine aller Familienmitglieder im Griff zu haben.
Die Gruppenagenda kann ich zum Beispiel für Schultermine mit anderen Familien teilen
Die Gruppenagenda kann ich zum Beispiel für Schultermine mit anderen Familien teilen

Here you can find the app for iOS. Here for Android.

5th map for mothers of babies: "Mamamap" guides me to the breastfeeding place or changing table.

There are many things I never thought about before I had kids. And then as a neo-mommy, they suddenly presented me with unexpected challenges. For example: Where do I breastfeed or swaddle my child on the go when I need to move quickly?

On a park bench or a little wall, you might now object. But what if it's raining outside or the temperature is below five degrees Celsius? Exactly. And no, not every café or restaurant has a changing table on the toilet or is easy to breastfeed.

The "Mamamap" can help. It shows you the nearest breastfeeding-friendly places, such as breastfeeding rooms in pharmacies or cafés. And for each location, you'll also find out if it's stroller-friendly, if there's a changing table, or if there's a restroom nearby.

Die «Mamamap» lotst mich zu still- und wickelfreundlichen Orten in der Nähe.
Die «Mamamap» lotst mich zu still- und wickelfreundlichen Orten in der Nähe.
Zu jeder Lokalität liefert sie weitere Infos, die mit Baby von Bedeutung sein könnten.
Zu jeder Lokalität liefert sie weitere Infos, die mit Baby von Bedeutung sein könnten.

Find the app for iOShere. Here for Android.

Every family has its own unique needs and desires when it comes to family management. And these change again and again with the age of the children and the personal situation. That's why we need your tips and input!

Which apps do you use in everyday family life? Which one makes it easier for you to organize? Tell us in the comments column below.

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