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Are you introverted? Then your dog probably is too

Darina Schweizer
Translation: machine translated

"Birds of a feather flock together" - according to new research, this not only applies to human relationships, but also to the bond between dog owners and their four-legged friends. In several respects.

Let's be honest: when you look at your dog's face, do you sometimes think you're looking in a mirror? It has long been assumed that dog owners resemble their four-legged friends. The topic crops up again and again in photo series and games as well as in the Disney classic "101 Dalmatians". Now the assumption has also been scientifically confirmed.

Hair length is crucial

A research group from the University of Jena in the German state of Thuringia analysed fifteen studies published between 1999 and 2023. They analysed the appearance and personality of dog owners and their pets. The results showed, for example, that women with long hair tend to favour dogs with floppy ears, while women with short hair prefer those with erect ears.

The reason: the drooping ears are reminiscent of long human hair. Humans have an evolutionary tendency to choose partners who are similar to them. This feels more familiar and positive. The duration of cohabitation does not play a role here. The researchers therefore assume that the dogs were selected for their similarity at the time of purchase. However, appearance does not appear to be the only similarity.

The character is also similar

When the researchers had the dogs fill out questionnaires about their personality, they found that dogs with extroverted owners also exhibited more extroverted behaviour than those with introverted owners. And neurotic two-legged friends are also more likely to have neurotic four-legged friends.

In contrast to the visual similarity, however, it is assumed that the character traits only converge over time. This occurs when the dog owner encourages a certain behaviour with praise and/or treats - and apparently the one that corresponds to the person themselves.

Research findings could help with this in the future

And to what extent do these findings help? According to experts, they could help to place dogs with people with similar characteristics. If two-legged and four-legged friends get along better, the return rate in animal shelters could possibly also be reduced.

So take a close look at Bobby before you adopt him. And watch your weight. Because what the researchers also found out was that the body mass of dogs and their owners equalises over time due to lifestyle. A dog does not therefore lead to more exercise per se, but an inactive owner does lead to an overweight dog.

Memory Memory Do you look like your dog? (German)
Card games

Memory Memory Do you look like your dog?


Do you also look like your dog? Tell me in the comments. Or send me a proof photo to: darina.schweizer@digitecgalaxus.ch

Header image: BublikHaus/Shutterstock

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