Product test

Irrigation computer Eve Aqua gets an upgrade: now quiet as well as smart

Martin Jungfer
Translation: Julia Graham

My garden gets irrigated. But it’s not me who does it. The shrubs, flowers and bushes get watered when a smart box receives a radio signal. It’s all thanks to my favourite irrigation computer, the Eve Aqua, which has had a facelift.

When the buds start to sprout, it’s time. Time to give the garden a tech upgrade. In my case, that means getting the automatic garden watering system ready to use. I already installed two different systems last year, which you can read about here:

  • Product test

    Economical and smart: the computer now waters my garden

    by Martin Jungfer

The Eve Aqua won me over at the time because it was easy to integrate with Apple’s HomeKit. As an extremely critical tester by nature, I still found something to gripe about. Namely that the Eve Aqua was quite loud when switched on. As soon as the controller received the Wi-Fi signal to start watering, you could distinctly hear a valve in the plastic box opening. The mechanism was so loud that I could hear it even inside the house.

Evidently, the manufacturer Eve Home also read my review, because at the start of the year I was sent the follow-up model of this smart garden sprinkler system. And I have to say, it’s actually noticeably better in some aspects. The engineers have really put thought into it, which is why I’d definitely recommend the new Eve Aqua.

In terms of updates, a magnetic valve now opens the valve. Old, noisy mechanics have had their day. In its newly designed housing, the valve works so quietly that I can hardly hear it when I’m right in front of it. And when I’m in the house, I can’t hear it at all. This means I no longer have to choose between an early morning watering routine and letting everyone at home sleep.

A side-by-side comparison of old (left) and new (right).
A side-by-side comparison of old (left) and new (right).
Source: Martin Jungfer

I filmed two videos in an attempt to document how quietly the magnetic valve in the new Eve Aqua model works compared to its predecessor. The first shows the device from 2022, while the second clip showcases the 2023 model. Don’t forget to turn sound on.

Changing batteries has also become more user-friendly. I can now put in the two AA cells that the Eve Aqua needs to access Wi-Fi a lot more easily by pulling the two sections of the casing apart. In the past, this called for plenty of dexterity and patience – and you couldn’t rule out bruising your finger.

While we’re on the subject of the casing, it now looks even more Apple-like than before. The silver frame is highly reminiscent of a MacMini. This is where it solidifies who the Eve Aqua is made for. Specifically, for those who already have Siri managing their house or flat. In other words, they use Apple’s «Home» app to control gadgets such as lamps and speakers.

Watering gardens in smart homes

The Eve Aqua is built on Thread, a technology set to connect more and more smart home devices in the future. Not heard of Thread? Simply put, you use Thread to build a mesh network, which lets devices «talk» to each other. In Thread networks, you no longer need a bridge as a central hub. Instead, Thread devices create their own network, so to speak, and it’s within that they exchange information and link up.

Eve Aqua communicates in Thread mode.
Eve Aqua communicates in Thread mode.
Source: Martin Jungfer

In my case, the Eve Aqua is on the Apple network, controlled via an Apple TV. I went into the «Home» app and set which days the plants in the bed outside the front door get watered. You can also do this in the «Eve» app. I can even set the flow rate per minute so that the soil absorbs the water as well and evenly as possible.

Automation even extends to letting me use a shortcut in the «Home» app to automatically pause the sprinkler when the weather forecast predicts rain.

Verdict: a subtle but lovely facelift

The Eve Aqua continues to be my favourite device in the garden. It attaches to the tap in no time, and operating it via the «Eve» or Apple’s «Home» app doesn’t cause any major issues. Because the Eve Aqua relies on Thread technology, the device is future-proof and likely to be joined by more Thread friends at my house in the near future. The Eve Aqua will then be able to teach them how to be a quiet and unobtrusive smart helper in our garden.

Header image: Martin Jungfer

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