Do you wash your underpants properly? A hygiene expert reveals all
Do underpants have an expiration date? Do they get clean in a 30-degree wash? Markus Egert has the answers and more. Professor of Microbiology at Furtwangen University, he’s an expert in household hygiene and author of the book «Ein Keim kommt selten allein» which roughly translates to «Where there’s one germ, there’s usually more».
Mr Egert, underpants have to be changed every day, of course. Yet, time and again, I read recommendations to chuck them out after a year, as germs can accumulate even when you wash them. Is that really necessary?
Prof. Dr. Markus Egert: I think it’s very unlikely that an alarming number of germs will accumulate over a year. Underwear isn’t sterile, yes – but the decisive factor is whether the germs that remain behind have health consequences. I personally haven’t come across such a case.
What kind of germs are we talking about?
We just have to think about what underpants come into contact with. On the one hand, there are classic skin bacteria such as staphylococci, as well as urinary tract and intestinal bacteria such as E. coli or yeast fungi such as Candida. Added to this are environmental bacteria from the washing machine. A whole load of them collect in underpants, even in healthy people.
And that’s still safe?
For people with a healthy immune system, yes. The prerequisite is, of course, that their underpants are washed hygienically.
Which means?
They should be washed at a minimum of 40 degrees, ideally 60 degrees, with a heavy-duty detergent. The real problem is that a large proportion of underwear today contains plastic components or is made from delicate fabrics such as silk and can’t withstand these temperatures. From a hygienic point of view, this makes no sense.
**Can I help a cold wash by adding antibacterial laundry cleanser?
Antibacterial laundry cleansers are actually very good at killing microorganisms, but don’t necessarily help with stains. They’re also expensive, pollute the environment and can irritate the skin. I’d recommend checking the care label and quality when buying underpants. It’s also more sustainable.
**So its better to keep your hands off delicate, lace lingerie?
Let’s put it this way – normally, underpants don’t pose a health risk. Washing them at 30 degrees, now and again, is therefore generally harmless. For everyday wear, however, I recommend low-maintenance underpants that can be washed at at least 40 degrees – especially for people who are prone to infections.
**Are there any times where I should definitely wash my underpants at 60 degrees?
For acute illnesses such as gastrointestinal or fungal infections. Otherwise the pathogens can spread to other items of clothing via the washing machine. The basic rule is just use a little common sense. If you have diarrhoea, you shouldn’t put your underpants in the drum with the 30-degree delicates.
If I’m healthy, is it safe to wash my underpants with the rest of my clothes?
In my opinion, there’s nothing to be said against a 40-degree wash cycle for hygienic reasons. From an ecological point of view, it’s even advisable to load the washing machine well.
Finally, once again for all those who are worried about losing their favourite five-year-old underpants – there really is no reason to replace them?
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with treating yourself to a new pair every now and then. But so long as the underpants aren’t discoloured or smell unpleasant, there’s no need to worry. The pain of separation is probably more damaging to health than the few germs that remain after washing.
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