Elden Ring: How to unlock a well-hidden secret area

Elden Ring: How to unlock a well-hidden secret area

PC Games
Translation: machine translated

You can spend hours upon hours in the world of Elden Ring, turning over every last pebble, and still not find every secret. But before you miss a not-so-tiny secret area, you'd better take a look at the Internet. That's exactly why we'll tell you how to reach the well-hidden area.

This is an article from our content partner "PC Games". You can find the original article here.

The world of Elden Ring is not only gigantic, but also full of secrets - one of the reasons for the top rating in our review of the role-playing game. To make sure you don't get lost in the in-between lands, we've put together some handy beginner tips for you and tell you which important items you shouldn't miss, especially at the beginning of the game.

Caution: Spoilers: The aforementioned secret area is only accessible quite late in the story. If you haven't finished Leyndell yet, you'd better stop reading at this point!

If, on the other hand, you've already progressed further and are busy exploring the last areas of Elden Ring, you might be wondering how to find a secret area that is particularly difficult to reach. While most of the areas can be stumbled upon by pure exploration, some corners of the intermediate land require a bit more effort. Therefore, we'll tell you how to reach said secret area.

How to reach the Consecrated Snowfield in Elden Ring

If you're following the story in Elden Ring, you've finished with the main city of Leyndell, and you're scrambling around on the Giants' Peak, you're probably wondering what other area is hiding in the north of the map, above the Earth Tree. It's the Consecrated Snowfield, and getting there can be a bit tricky if you don't know where to look.

In fact, you can get there using an elevator, Rold's Elevator. This normally only takes you to the Forbidden Land, where you then climb towards the Giant's Peak. But if you have a certain item in your inventory, the elevator will allow you to reach a completely new destination. For this you will need the Secret Halig Tree Medallion.

Where can I find the Secret Halig Tree Medallion?

If you've already used Dectus' elevator, you've probably guessed what the Secret Halig Tree Medallion is all about: Yes, this elevator key also consists of two halves, which have to be obtained separately. You can find the right half surprisingly early in the game.

Go to the village of the Albinaurics in Liurnia, where you run to the place of mercy. Then follow the path up the mountain, past the fire-powder throwing enemy and to the end of the path. There is a large pot there, which is actually an NPC named Albus. Roll against the pot and he will reveal his true form, tell you his story and give you the Secret Halig Tree Medallion (Right).

For the left half, on the other hand, head far to the north, to the top of the Giants' Mountain. At the far north of the area is Sol Castle, where you'll find the Secret Halig Tree Medallion (Left) on the roof of a tower. Now you can return to Rold's elevator, where the new option "Lift Secret Medallion" is now available to you.

A cutscene follows, after which you will stand on the really very well hidden area called Consecrated Snowfield. On your map, after a few steps, you should already see the obelisk that marks the location of the area map. Set a light pillar and ride Stormwind through the fog to the map to get the full overview!

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