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Google's alarm clock app downloaded 1 billion times

Richard Müller
Translation: Eva Francis

It’s one of the standard apps for Android smartphones: the Google Clock app. It’s so popular that it’s been downloaded more than a 1 billion times.

Do you have a classic alarm clock, one that you keep on your bedside table? If so, congratulations. Seems you’re part of a dying breed. Why? Smartphones have replaced the classic alarm clock.

Google’s Clock app has just exceeded the one billion download mark in the Play Store, as the tech blog Android Police reports. And nothing’s pointing toward the download numbers decreasing any time soon. The reason for this is that the Google Watch app is installed by default on many Android smartphones. What does this have to do with Switzerland? Read on to find out.

Continuous improvements

Although Google Clock is only a simple utility, Google has continued to develop its alarm clock app with an improved user interface. On top of this, new features such as Bedtime were released last year. This allows users to assign routines, track their sleep time activity and even use sunset alarms to light up a room before waking up. Clock also syncs with apps such as Spotify and YouTube Music, so you can always start your day with your favourite songs.

Who invented it?

In 2014, Google acquired the small company Bitspin. At the time, the Swiss startup programmed the Android app Timely. The Bitspin team reported that «for new and existing users, Timely will continue to work as it always has». Google liked Timely so much that they hired Jorim Jaggi's team at their Zurich Brandschenkestrasse office. In other words, Google’s one-billion downloads app is an invention from Zurich. Timely still exists as a legacy app, but since the last update in 2018, it only works to a limited extent.

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