iOS 17: how to create your contact poster
With iOS 17’s Contact Posters, you pick how you look on your counterpart’s phone when you call. Find out where to set it up and what options you have.
The Phone app gives you the option to set up a contact poster the first time you launch iOS 17. If you skipped this or want to make changes later, you can find the corresponding settings in the Phone app. Tap Contacts at the bottom centre, then select yourself. You’ll be above all other contacts. In the upper right corner, you’ll now see the Edit button.
Choose a photo or memoji
Tapping on Edit will first take you to your full contact entry. But at the top you’ll see your photo and poster. Directly below you’ll find the second Edit button. Press it to customise existing contact posters or add new ones using the plus sign. If you have more than one poster, you can select which will be currently visible by tapping on it.

Source: Jan Johannsen
For your contact poster, you can choose photos from the gallery or take a new one with the camera. You can also opt for a memoji instead, or settle for your initials. For photos, there are three filters to choose from, which you select by swiping sideways.

Source: Jan Johannsen
If there’s a person in the picture or if you use a memoji, the iPhone offers a depth effect. This places your head either before or behind the name.
To adjust the font, colour and size or width of the font, click on the frame with your name.

Source: Jan Johannsen
Moving on, you can still select a contact photo that differs from the contact poster – or simply adjust the cropping.
Who can see your contact poster?
Basically, only contacts from your address book – and only if their smartphone supports this feature. In other words, iPhones using iOS 17. On the overview page of your contact card, you can choose who gets to see your «Contact Photo & Poster» directly below the picture. In the next menu, you can even completely disable sharing your name and photo. You can also change the name displayed, or decide if your iPhone asks to share your contact poster every time. Alternatively, you can share it with all your contacts.

Source: Jan Johannsen
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As a primary school pupil, I used to sit in a friend's living room with many of my classmates to play the Super NES. Now I get my hands on the latest technology and test it for you. In recent years at Curved, Computer Bild and Netzwelt, now at Digitec and Galaxus.