Smudge your mascara? How to clean up a little mishap
Smears and smudges of mascara are annoying. But no need to panic. With this simple trick, you’ll get rid of the stain from your skin without ruining your make-up.
With my breath held, mouth open to relax the facial muscles and full concentration. That’s how I go about applying mascara – 100 per cent focussed. If I didn’t, the mascara would probably end up everywhere apart from my eyelashes. Despite activating all my senses, I still occasionally miss the target. This is particularly frustrating when I’ve already applied foundation, concealer and the like and can’t simply reach for a cotton bud soaked in micellar water to wipe away the stain. But I now have a solution for this challenge and it’s easier than you might think.
Here’s how it works
Allow the stain to fully dry. This may be counter-intuitive, but trust me. If you touch it now, the product will smudge and you’ll be facing a much bigger problem. Once it’s dry, simply use a clean, dry eyebrow spoolie brush. There the one’s you typically find on the other end of your eyebrow pen.

Source: Natalie Hemengül

Next, carefully run the tip of the brush over the smudge. The bristles are hard, so they’ll scrape off the mess. Foundation usually survives this procedure unscathed. If not, simply apply a small dab to the affected area again. Done.

Source: Natalie Hemengül
Sometimes the tiniest details can make or break the way our hair looks or our make-up pops. In my Blazing Beauty Tips series, I share useful techniques and tips.
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As a massive Disney fan, I see the world through rose-tinted glasses. I worship series from the 90s and consider mermaids a religion. When I’m not dancing in glitter rain, I’m either hanging out at pyjama parties or sitting at my make-up table. P.S. I love you, bacon, garlic and onions.