Style crush: Aki and Kiochi Kim make young influencers look like old news
Aki and Kiochi Kim have been married for over 45 years, are in their seventies – and have recently become fashion influencers. Here are five reasons why I adore the duo.
Too much of anything and you’re guaranteed to get sick of it eventually. On social media, I feel this way about certain hashtags and their flood of posts. I’m talking about #ootd, #lotd, #wiwt.
These abbreviations stand for «outfit of the day», «look of the day» and «what I wore today». The corresponding picture or video shows just that: the outfit of the person posting it. Although this concept isn’t what I’d call groundbreaking, if you’re into fashion, chances are your feed is full of such posts thanks to the algorithm. Mine certainly is. Normally, I scroll past them without a second thought. They’ve just grown stale. Recently, however, Aki and Kiochi Kim gave me pause.
The couple from Los Angeles, both over the age of 70, have a kind of awkward charm to them. Not to mention outrageously good style (and they own a golden retriever!) Since mid-March of this year, they’ve been uploading their ##ootd almost daily for their now 730,000 followers. Why have they, of all people, won me over? It’s because Aki and Kiochi prove that...
1. Being stylish knows no age
While the affinity for colours and patterns generally seems to diminish with age (think pensioners and beige), Aki, 71, and Kiochi, 73, prove that fashion and experimentation have no age limit. They rock polka dots, pleats, denim Bermudas and sometimes patchwork or colourful prints.

2. Partner looks don’t have to be cringey
Seeing couples strolling through the streets in matching functional shoes and light down jackets, makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand. Sure, you inevitably adapt to your partner over the years, and even to friends. But please don’t give up entirely on your creativity when it comes to your clothes. After all, you can still create a visual sense of togetherness in a cool way.

3. Trends aren’t just for young people
Remember when the whole world suddenly jumped on the plain crossbody bag bandwagon? The Kims unabashedly celebrate the hype.

4. Unexpected combos pay off
Here we have what appears to be two simple looks at first glance. But if you look more closely, there’s a lot to learn. While Kiochi breaks up his chino jacket combo with casual slip-ons and a cap, Aki skilfully plays with patterns and textures. Extra points for the patent ballerinas and pearl necklace!

5. You don’t have to resort to beige
Even if you want a muted colour palette, you can still draw from its full range. With shades of olive green, pigeon blue, dark grey, mustard yellow and cream, the Kims are by no means short on colour.

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