
Windows tip: start programs with a batch file

Florian Bodoky
Translation: Eva Francis

Automatic startup slows down the booting process. And it always launches apps you don’t use, forcing you to close them and start others manually. That’s annoying. And there’s a faster way.

I find the automatic startup of programs in Windows annoying. It delays the booting process unnecessarily and also automatically starts programs I don’t need. As a result, I need to close them again – one at a time. What a pain. Luckily, there’s a faster way.

Replacing drag and drop with a script

Fortunately, there’s a workaround. It’s very old, but by no means outdated – a batch file. A batch file is a script that’s attached to the command prompt. It consists of one or more commands to be executed one after the other by the system when you start it. It can, for example, launch various programs defined by you.

At the office, you might need Word, Teams, and the Chrome browser; on the weekend, however, you’re more likely to use Spotify, Discord and Steam. You can copy batch files to your desktop and activate them with a double click after starting Windows. This will launch the programs.

Creating a batch script

First, you need to know the name of the application files you want to run. Many are simple: Chrome.exe for Google’s Chrome browser, Spotify.exe for Spotify and so on.

This will show you the file extensions.
This will show you the file extensions.
Source: Florian Bodoky

To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the File Explorer.
  2. Click on the system partition (C:).
  3. Click «View» at the top, then «Show» and select «File name extensions».
  4. You’ll find your software programs in the folders «C:\Program Files" and "C:\Program Files (x86)». Search for a first subfolder containing the software name (e.g. C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox).
  5. Search the folder of the software for the corresponding .exe file (e.g. C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe). 1. Note or copy the file name (e.g. «firefox.exe»).
  6. If there are several files ending in «.exe», take the one that has the identical name as the program. Without any additions. If you’re unsure, you’re better off ignoring this one program.

Then, go back to the desktop.

  1. Right-click and choose «New», then «Text Document».
  2. Name it as you wish. Then, double-click on it.
  3. Now the text document is open in Notepad and you can start with the script.

Enter «start» followed by the name of the exe file. For example (without the hyphen):

  • start chrome.exe
  • start vlc.exe
  • start spotify.exe

When you’re done, click «Start», then «Save As». Choose your preferred location and name the file as you like. Important: Add the extension «.bat» at the end of each file. Then click «Save».

The file must be saved with «.bat», otherwise it won’t work.
The file must be saved with «.bat», otherwise it won’t work.
Source: Florian Bodoky

Now you see the new batch file with its gear icon. Click on it and the programs you’ve put on the list will start.

A lean automatic start also helps speed up the boot process.
A lean automatic start also helps speed up the boot process.
Source: Florian Bodoky

Now you can deactivate all programs in the «Startup app» menu.

  1. Press the Windows key+i.
  2. Select «Apps».
  3. Click on «Startup».
  4. Set the sliders to «off» for all the unwanted programs.
Header image: Shutterstock

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