ASUS Xg-C100c (Mini PCI Express)

ASUS Xg-C100c

Mini PCI Express

Question about Xg-C100c - 115364

Will this work with the 10 Gbits/s Internet Fiber box by Salt?


Salt's 10gbit is shared with up to 32 customers, so youll never get the full 10gbit

Yes. Basically it`s compatibel with all "network supplier" since TCP/IP is standardized and the box have an RJ45 connector for 10GBs.

I'm trying on my Mac pro 4.1 with CAT 6A direct to SAlt router. no joy. Less than 1Gbps Tried different settings in preferences.

Jop thats probably not the network card. It's salt telling weird stories

I use it for this purpose and did get more than 1 gigabit in both directions out of it.
However, in my system it needed some driver tweaks to work correctly (had to disable checksum offloading).


I took this network card, plugged it into my motherboard, connected an Ethernet cable, category 8. I made sure to plug it into the port on the salt box designed for 10 Gbps (not all of them support 10 Gbps). With this setup, I managed to achieve speeds of up to 6 Gbps.

1 config & 1 current fact:
- you MUST disable checksum offloading - disabling large send offloads helped boosting up
- I get not more than a 2 gigs up and 8 gigs down currently

using cat 7 ..