Controversial clothes I love to wear
Tastes vary – and when it comes to fashion, my own preferences don’t always go down well. From wide-leg trousers to oversized jackets, here are the items of clothing that most frequently earn me daft comments.
If everyone’s wardrobes contained the exact same clothes, life would look pretty boring. Good thing you can wear what you like and I can wear what I like. One downside to this situation, however, is that some people believe it’s their way or the highway when it comes to fashion. And they’re not above expressing their snarky opinions either. This is something they generally do unprompted, without considering whether their comments will make the other person feel hurt or insecure.
Fortunately, I tend not to give a toss about these sorts of opinions – at most, they’ll trigger a hearty eye-roll. Even so, I always end up wondering: what does so-and-so have to gain by telling me they don’t like my trousers? Or that they think my jacket’s ridiculous? Maybe you can help me answer that one in the comments section. In the meantime, here are the five items of clothing and combinations that seem to be ruffling people’s feathers right now.
Baggy jeans
There were years – maybe even a whole decade – when nothing but perfectly fitting Levi’s 501s made it into my wardrobe. I’ve loosened up a little bit now. Literally. Wide-cut, baggy trousers have stolen my heart. Much to the chagrin of the people around me, evidently. They say they’re «unsexy» or wonder why on earth I’d want to «hide my body». Not I only do I disagree about the former, I have zero desire to do the latter. The truth is, I don’t consider baggy looks at all unsexy, and I love playing with different outlines.

Source: Laura Scholz
White socks with loafers
Robert Redford did it, Paul Newman did it and David Letterman did it too. With references like these, the white-socks-and-loafers combo can’t be that bad an idea in itself. Besides, everything people wore in the 90s passes for the epitome of fashion nowadays anyway. So please just let me follow in the footsteps of these style icons and slip loafers over my socks whenever I please. Thanks!
Oversized blazers
«That’s funny, I have a blazer like that too. Only, I don’t wear mine ironically.» My friend’s husband greeted me with this comment once, leaving me ever so slightly perplexed in the process. In reality, there was nothing ironic about my outfit. I was wearing a black leather skirt and a white T-shirt with a large, dark-grey blazer over it. I’d snapped up the latter while scouring for goodies in the second-hand shop, as I often do. To this day, I still think he was being small-minded by making the comment, but it didn’t really surprise me. In addition to the aforementioned blazer, my wardrobe also includes a pretty large leather jacket, one or two oversized coats and a number of very roomy sweatshirts, and I’ve received snide, unsolicited opinions on every single one of them. Sigh.

Source: Laura Scholz
Track pants and pointy shoes
A look that seems to be just as provocative as wearing white socks with loafers is the tracksuit-bottoms-and-high-heels combo (even better if the toes are pointy). To be honest, I can’t put my finger on what people find so incomprehensible about it. I love the contrasting styles and the opportunity it gives you to turn sporty (and comfortable!) trousers into cool attire for any occasion. Give me an oversized blazer to go with it, and I’ll be in outfit heaven.
Running shorts
I can’t wait for the temperatures to get consistently summery. My legs are dying to get out and have the sun wash away their pitiful winter pallor. And no, they won’t be doing it in flowing skirts or dresses. The bottom half of my summer uniform consists of short running shorts. Why? Because they put me in good spirits and help me feel comfortable and ready for anything. Being asked if I’ve «just come from boxing» does nothing to diminish my love for them. Mind you, maybe that’s because last year, the very person who asked me that went out and bought themselves a sporty pair of summer shorts a few weeks later. You’re welcome, buddy.

Source: Laura Scholz
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