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Our editors’ desk setups, part 3: David keeps it simple

David Lee
Translation: Eva Francis

I get by with very little and keep things for a long time. Nevertheless, my desk is covered in stuff at times – stuff I need for work.

I’m on a constant rollercoaster ride of order and chaos. When I sit on the sofa after work and look over to my desk, I want it to look clean and tidy. That’s why I often tidy up after work, leaving my desk looking something like this.

My tidy desk.
My tidy desk.
Source: David Lee

But while I work, order has to give way to chaos – of the creative kind, I hope. I like having everything I need at hand. In other words, if I need many things, my desk’s covered in many things. This might not look nice, but I don’t mind while I’m working.

The same desk during a day of hard work.
The same desk during a day of hard work.
Source: David Lee

I don’t believe in keeping perfect right angles. The items on my desk are arranged in a semicircle, with everything facing towards me. It’s a bit like Homer Simpson’s nuclear power plant cockpit – only without the nuclear power plant and without Homer Simpson.

My computer: small, silent and with both systems

I use a Mac Mini that’s quiet as a church mouse. Nothing’s more annoying than fan noises. My Mac’s equipped with the Parallels platform and Windows 11, all in an inconspicuous tiny box under the screen.

The docking station’s the perfect partner for my Mac Mini. It offers all the front connections I need and boasts 1 TB SSD.

If I only worked at home, the Mac Mini would be perfect. On the go, however, I currently use an HP notebook my employer provided. I’m currently testing if replacing both computers with a MacBook would be a good idea – from a practical and an economical point of view.

The keyboard: mechanical, of course

I enjoy typing on the mechanical keyboard Logitech G915. All in all, I’m happy with it, although it’s not perfect. The keycaps are proprietary and Logitech doesn’t offer replacement caps. And the G-Hub software it comes with could be easier to use. But neither bother me too much and I’ve been using the keyboard for four years now. I even found a replacement for a broken keycap – thanks to a completely overpriced offer on eBay.

The mouse: super comfortable

I use the Logitech Lift vertical mouse. There’s an MX Master 3 collecting dust in my drawer, but the Lift’s a much more ergonomic fit for my rather short fingers. And as an extra, it comes with a replaceable battery that lasts ages. Unfortunately, this doesn’t apply to the rubber surface, which is already very worn after just over a year.

My mouse: after several bad purchases, I’ve ended up with the Logitech Lift.
My mouse: after several bad purchases, I’ve ended up with the Logitech Lift.
Source: David Lee

A good screen

The Philips 278E’s a monitor. That’s a good start. It displays things, which is great. It supports colours and even 4K. Impressive, right? It’s not curved and not so huge that it covers my entire window, but it’s a good device. Even better than the Asus monitor I had before, which was already very good.

  • Opinion

    Asus VS228H – a good monitor

    by David Lee

See, you just have to lower your expectations and you’ll always be happy.

Desk and chair: simple and timeless

I bought my desk for 200 francs at Ikea when I moved out of my parents’ house. That was back in the last millennium. It’s not a beauty and I’ve often considered replacing it. But it’s solid and practical. And it’s moved homes with me seven times, making it feel like it belongs to me as much as my social security number.

My chair’s probably even older. I don’t know where it came from. My ex left it behind when she moved out a long time ago. It’s a simple wooden chair. Not height-adjustable, no springs, no armrests. It fits me – better than any office chair I’ve ever sat on.

Oh, and if you’ve been wondering what that strange wooden thing with the huge mouth is, this family heirloom swallows paper clips or, in my case, SD memory cards.

Big mouth here is unnecessary, but I’m fond of him.
Big mouth here is unnecessary, but I’m fond of him.
Source: David Lee

If you’ve missed an episode of our desk setups, here’s the full list:

  • Background information

    Our editors’ desk setups, part 1: Michelle likes colours

    by Michelle Brändle


  • Background information

    Our editors’ desk setups, part 2: Samuel needs order

    by Samuel Buchmann


  • Background information

    Our editors’ desk setups, part 3: David keeps it simple

    by David Lee


  • Background information

    Our editors’ desk setups: Flo’s cable management from hell

    by Florian Bodoky


  • Background information

    Our editors’ desk setups: Jan’s all about ergonomics

    by Jan Johannsen


  • Background information

    Our editors’ desk setups: Kevin the compact one

    by Kevin Hofer


  • Background information

    Our editors’ desk setups, part 7: Domi sees double

    by Domagoj Belancic


  • Background information

    Our editors’ desk setups, part 8: Martin’s got a standing desk, but never stands

    by Martin Jud

Header image: David Lee

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