ASUS Xg-C100c
Mini PCI Express
ASUS Xg-C100c
Mini PCI Express
I bought it and I use it (not always)! With this network card I have more MBps but I can't join any Teamspeak Chanel and in League of Legends I have a very high ping (over 1000). Is there an explanation and what can I do about it? The card is of no use to me!
Salute... 2 possible solutions for you.
The chipset of the network card is an AQC107. The driver version officially supported by ASUS on their home page is quite old (v. There are newer ones on the official Aquantia page (chipset manufacturer):
1. https://driverdownloads.aquantia.com/
2. select AQC107
3. select operating system
4. select language and download version
First install the official driver package from Asus (if you want the ASUS software, you need it).
then install and update the driver with the Aquantia package.
Runs very stable for me.
If the problems are not solved yet, try to use the card without IPv6 TCP/UDP checksum offload. This option can be deactivated or activated in the advanced options of the network driver of the card. Deactivating this option causes, among other things, that the CPU is used more when the network load is high... However, this should have no effect on gaming as long as the backup is not flooding the line at 10gbit in the background.
Hope this helps
I am currently experiencing a very different problem... the problem is that the card is installed on my computer and recognized but once the RJ45 cable is inserted on the network card the internet connection is disconnected every 15 seconds and takes right back. Do you have a solution for this?
Because it was cut off so nicely: copy from my updated post above:
Aquantia has been acquired by Marvell.... Drivers can now be found here:
Then select your Windows version under "Platform" and the chipset as "Part Number" (if this is exactly the same product as here, then "AQC107" as mentioned above).
Maybe the direct link to the Win10 x64 driver works:
I have been using the card for a relatively long time and have had no problems with TS or games to date. I have only ever used the driver from the Asus website.
Hi 3001 CaSip
This is very interesting to read. I own the same card. It is in constant use with me. So I don't switch between network cards.
But the problem you describe is apparently not only yours.
I also have the problem with TeamSpeak. And I never found a solution or the cause of the problem. I've tried everything, but I just can't connect to a TeamSpeak channel.
I didn't know that this was related to the network card.
If there are any solutions, I would be very grateful for them.