ASUS Xg-C100c (Mini PCI Express)

ASUS Xg-C100c

Mini PCI Express

Questions about Xg-C100c

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Salute... 2 possible solutions for you. The chipset of the network card is an AQC107. The driver version officially supported by ASUS on their home page is quite old (v. There are newer ones on the official Aquantia page (chipset manufacturer): 1. 2. select AQC107 3. select operating system 4. select language and download version Installation: First install the official driver package from Asus (if you want the ASUS software, you need it). then install and update the driver with the Aquantia package. Runs very stable for me. If the problems are not solved yet, try to use the card without IPv6 TCP/UDP checksum offload. This option can be deactivated or activated in the advanced options of the network driver of the card. Deactivating this option causes, among other things, that the CPU is used more when the network load is high... However, this should have no effect on gaming as long as the backup is not flooding the line at 10gbit in the background. Hope this helps Greetings .kure

I think not. I use the card under Linux: the chipset is from Aquantia and the driver is called atlantic. Here is a forum discussion on FreeNAS: